Java With Jesus

       How do you drink your coffee? You’ve probably never thought about what your coffee preference says about you but some say the way you drink your coffee reveals a lot about who you are and your overall personality. I did a little research on this and found some interesting information. There may or may not be any truth to this but it was fun for me to read so I thought I would share them with you. [Link Below]

        • The first one is the Espresso drinkers. People who drink espressos are said to be natural leaders and very goal oriented.
        • Second, is Black coffee drinkers. This is me by the way. I love my black coffee first thing in the morning. The black coffee people of the world are said to be patient, simple, and set in their ways. I have to say that is me 100%!
        • Third, is the Americano drinkers. They are considered conscientious and calm.
        • Fourth, are the Latte drinkers. These drinkers are warm, comfort seeking and often people pleasers.
        • Next, is Cappuccino drinkers. They are thought to be perfectionists, artistic, adventurous, and detail oriented.
        • Then you have the Iced Coffee drinkers like Jeff. He absolutely loves his iced coffee in the mornings and just like mine, his coffee preference describes him perfectly. These drinkers are thought to be spontaneous, creative, and social.
        • The Decaf drinkers are next and are thought to be health-coconscious and caffeine-sensitive.
        • Last is the Cold Brew drinkers. They are said to be patient, trendsetters, and value quality. This is because cold brew takes preparation and time.

       No matter what kind of coffee you drink or whether or not your coffee preference actually matches your personality, one thing is certain, it is a very popular drink that people around the world love.

       Coffee is a great way to kickstart your day. If I didn’t have my coffee to help clear the foggy haze when I wake up, I know I would struggle to get out the door. So, it is safe to say that coffee is a very important part of my day. However, it’s not just the coffee that I need to feel ready for the day. I also need my prayer and devotional time. When I mix coffee and God in the morning, I feel recharged and ready for the day.

       Some people may think they don’t have time to do this in the morning. I used to think I didn’t either until I came to a place in my life where I desperately needed to spend time with God before I started my day. I realized that I needed the time with God and time for myself more than I needed that forty-five minutes of sleep I was giving up. The first week of waking up early was a little hard, even though I am a morning person. My body was used to waking up at six. However, once I adjusted to waking up earlier, it was much easier and now I look forward to this time every day.

       Since I have started making time for God and myself, I have become less anxious, stressed and I just have a better day overall. I feel like I have had a chance to recharge my battery and calm my mind. I think this is something that everyone needs. We are all better equipped to face the challenges life throws at us when we are stronger and feel mentally well. Try it for yourself and see how it helps you.
