Lose up to 20lbs in the fastest, most efficient way possible with our strategic fat-burning nutrition and training system?
Join The Back To School 49-Day Team Transformation Contest and Start Creating Your Own Success Story Today!
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[ezcol_1half]Sarah LOST 18 lbs and 3 Pant Sizes![/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Emily TRANSFORMED herself for her Big Day![/ezcol_1half_end]
Dear Friend,
At FastFit we have had tons of amazing success stories. We will even share a few of them with you today.
The one thing about each of these success stories is that they all started exactly where you are today. Well, maybe not exactly, but each one of them had to overcome obstacles and need help achieving their goals.
The people you see in our success stories are real people. They all had to struggle with their weight, overcome bad eating habits, and juggle a tight schedule.
But they didn’t let that hold them back. They had a goal to make a change, and they set out to achieve it!
You might be sitting here reading this thinking that there is no way you could have success like these people. You couldn’t be more wrong!
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[ezcol_1half]Mackenzie DROPPED From Size 7 to 0![/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Abby LOST 17 lbs and GAINED 4 lbs of Muscle![/ezcol_1half_end]
You couldn’t be more wrong!
You CAN and WILL achieve results just like Mackenzie and Abby because we have the perfect program for you!
Starting on August 27th we are kicking off our 3rd Annual Back to School Team Transformation Contest!
This contest is perfect for those looking to get back into shape after a long summer. As school goes back into session, our schedules seem to become a little more predictable, so it is the perfect time to start focusing on your fitness and nutrition.
Not to mention the holidays are right around the corner (can you believe it?!), and you want to get a head start on next year’s resolutions. There is no reason to hold off on getting in shape until 2016. The perfect time to start is NOW!
Too many people work hard to get in shape for the summer and then let themselves go a little bit. Worse yet, they don’t ever get in shape before the summer, and they keep putting off getting in shape and reaching their fitness goals.
Are you one of those people that will always start next week?
Do you tell yourself that Monday will be the day that you are going to start eating right and exercising?
Well, it is time to stop!
It is time to take some serious action. Joining our Back To School Team Transformation Contest is the perfect way to jumpstart your results and ensure that you reach your goals.
Why Is This Contest Perfect For You?
Quite simply: because you need our help!
Doing this alone is too hard.
We’ve seen it countless times: Someone will want to get in shape and will come to us for guidance. When we offer a path to success, they believe they just need a written program designed by world-class coaches, which we are more than willing to provide.
But they quickly discover that reaching their fitness goals means more than just having the perfect program.
- You often need outside motivation to push through the hard times.
- You benefit tremendously from accountability provided by your coaches and peers to stay on track to reaching your goals.
- You need to start building a support system and have a team of people around you have a vested interest in your success.
This is why we have created the TEAM part of this Transformation Contest.
When you join, you will:
- Learn how to change your eating forever to keep your incredible results FOR LIFE
- Get expert coaching and training programs from our world-class coaches
- Stop wasting time on useless diets and training programs that leave you hungry and tired all the time
- Build lasting friendships with your team
- Drop inches off your belly, hips, thighs, and all those other trouble spots
- Build strong, lean, toned muscles to give you the athletic look you want
- And Much, Much More!
Skeptical if it could work for you? Think 49 Days is too short?
Take a look at the results from our last Transformation Challenge:
They did it, and so can you! There is nothing holding you back from getting in the best shape of your life. All you have to do is join our Team Transformation Contest that starts on August 27th and put our program to work for you.
In the Back To School Team Transformation Contest, you will get:
- 7-Weeks of World-Class Training designed to shed fat faster than you can believe
- A comprehensive but simple nutrition plan that can supercharge your results AND that caters to your taste buds
- Accountability and proven support systems to keep you on track to reaching your goals
- Awesome prizes to the top individual, top team, and other best transformations
- And much, much more!
Don’t waste any more time being unhappy with the way you look, spending countless hours in the gym—or worse yet, on a boring treadmill—and struggling to figure out what to eat to help you get the body you want.
We have literally done all that for you.
We have put together the ultimate training program to get you the results you want in the least amount of time possible.
We have dialed in our nutrition programs to give you simple, time-saving meal plans that not only help you lose fat but taste great! Unlike crash or fad diets, this is a way of eating that can work for ANY health and fitness goals and that can serve you for LIFE.
We have even created your very own support system in your team to motivate you and encourage you every step of the way.
When you join our Back to School Team Transformation Contest, you are GUARANTEED to get amazing results.
There are 3 levels of commitment you can make in the BTS Team Transformation Contest:
Back To School BASIC Package ($49)
$49 total (per team member) includes:
- Reserve a spot on team
- Eligible for Grand Prize
- 1 Metabolic Workout per Week for 7 Weeks
- Nutritional Plan and Food Journal
- Weekly email support
Back To School RAPID RESULTS Package ($99)
$99 Total (per team member) includes:
Basic Package PLUS:
- 3 Metabolic Workouts per week for 7 Weeks
- 1 Educational pdf per week about health and fitness
- Q & A via email on all training and nutriton questions
Back To School ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION Package ($199)
$199 Total (per team member) includes:
Rapid Results Package PLUS:
- Individualized program designed specifically for YOU
- 1 Personal Training Session per Week
- UNLIMITED Metabolic Workouts Per Week
- UNLIMITED Specialty Classes per Week ( ABS, Yoga, TRX, Kettlebell)
- Weekly phone check-ins for personal accountability from Jeff McDaniel
Click Below and Go To Our ONLINE STORE For Purchase:
In the Back To School Team Transformation Contest, you will get:
- 8-Weeks of World-Class Training Designed to Shed Fat Faster Than You Can Believe
- A comprehensive but simple nutrition plan that can supercharge your results AND that caters to your taste buds
- Accountability and proven support systems to keep you on track to reaching your goals
- Awesome prizes for the top individual, top team, and other best transformations
- And much, much more!
This contest is a must attend! There is no reason for you to not join, unless you are 100% satisfied with the body you have now.
So, get up and go look in the mirror.
Seriously, get up and take a quick look at yourself, and if you are 100% satisfied with the body that you see, then you can stop reading now. However, if you have some areas that you want to work on, notice a little bit of fat you’d like to lose around your midsection, or are unhappy with a few trouble spots that you have struggled for years to improve, then this program is perfect for you!
Sweeten the Deal!
Not only are we promising results, but we also are offering you a 100% money back guarantee. If at any point in the contest you are not 100% happy with your progress and satisfied with the experience you are having, we will refund every last penny of your payment.
We are offering a $1000 cash prize for the winning team. The winning team will be chosen by their complete transformation
Winners will be selected by before and after photos, weight lost, body fat lost, and inches lost.
We are giving $250 away to the best overall individual transformation.
That is over $1250 in cash prizes!
Plus, over another $1,000 in prizes up for grabs:
So, if you are ready to take your fitness, nutrition, and body to the next level….
Click Below and Go To Our ONLINE STORE For Purchase:
For More Details Call Us Today At 501-425-0661 or Email Us At support@fastfitbootcamps.com
P.S. We realize you might have some questions about the contest, so we have provided the FAQ here:
What if I can’t find a team?
We will help you find a team if you can’t find one yourself. However, the best way to find a team is to gather your friends and family to do this with you. They will be your best support system.
When do we start?
We will hold our kick off meeting on Thursday, August 27th and the contest will run through October 17th. Prior to beginning, we will be working with you to collect pertinent information, get you set up for your training, and ensure you have a team to compete on.
How much can I expect to lose during these 7 weeks?
That is all very individual. We have had people lose as much as 30 lbs and as little as 5. It all depends on where you are starting out and how much effort you put into your training and nutrition during the 7-Week Contest.
It also depends on where you are starting. If you have a small frame or are looking to get stronger, you might not lose as much as someone ina different scenario.
Our biggest focus is on helping your get fit and healthy, whatever that may mean to you. (Keep in mind that the winners are chosen not just by number of pounds lost but also by the overall transformation achieved.)
If I am current member, what do I pay?
If your one of our valued FastFit members, then this entire Back-To-School program is completely FREE. This is a complimentary service that we are providing because we care about you, and I personally want you to have the best experience ever with our program. So for that, it’s on the house baby!
Why a Team Challenge?
We are doing a team challenge because having social support and an accountability system outside your coaches is essential to your success. Now, instead of going at this alone, you have an entire team supporting you and relying on you to get great results as well. Cheating, skipping workouts, and not eating according to the plan are far less likely when others are relying on your success as well.
This is good for your team and great for you! Not only will you bond with some like-minded individuals, but you will also be sure to see some amazing results that you most likely would not have been able to achieve on your own.
What if I don’t have a lot of weight to lose?
This isn’t about weight loss: This is a transformation contest. You will be assessed on your transformation pictures first and all the other numbers (weight, body fat, inches, etc.) second. So, the team that wins might not be the team that loses the most but rather the team that has the best overall transformation. Losing the last 10 lbs is often harder than the first 10 lbs, but it is also much more noticeable in your pictures.
What if I want to keep my nutrition/training/lifestyle the same?
That is your decision to make! We will supply you with an amazing nutrition plan that has been proven to get results, and we will provide you world-class coaching, but you have the choice to follow it or do it on your own. However, we think that you know which one will lead to better results.
If I follow your nutrition plan, will I be starving all the time?
Simply, no. The plan is based around sound nutritional principles that have helped countless people manage their weight before, and it is based on eating whole, unprocessed, and high-quality foods. You likely may be eating more vegetables than you are used to, but we ensure that you have the knowledge to prepare them deliciously. Rarely is hunger a big issue on this plan; the biggest thing people have to worry about is buying slimmer pants!
Join The Back-To-School Team Transformation Contest Today!
Click Below and Go To Our ONLINE STORE For Purchase:
For More Details Call Us Today At 501-425-0661 or Email Us At support@fastfitbootcamps.com