A True Success Story
From Tragedy To Triumph And An Inspiring Person To Know!

Nancy Nelson is in every sense of the word, a joy to work with. She not only has that awesome vibe that people love to be around but she’s a true survivor.
Nancy was on board American Airlines Flight 1420 that crashed here in Little Rock back in 1999 and the fact that she walked away from that tragedy is without a doubt a gift from God!
I have really enjoyed listening to her experience of that event and really being blown away that she is even here to talk about it.
I first met Nancy about a decade later in 2009 when I was just beginning to venture into the world of small group training and she was one of the first ones I began working with.
Flash forward to 2018 and we reconnected again when she sought me out to train again.
She did our 42-Day Back To School Challenge and really committed herself to doing it right. She made all her workouts, followed the nutritional plan I gave her and in the end she had some SERIOUSLY awesome results!
10 lbs of fat loss and 4″ off of her waistline in just 42 days is….WOW!
I love success stories like this one and there’s so many more out there. As a matter of fact, you could be the next one! I would love to help you reach the body of your dreams and move better, feel better also! I’m prepping right now for our January launch and spots are available. Get on the list and partner with me on making 2023 THE year of transformation!
Your trainer,

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