Spritual Warfare and a Plan to Fight Back

     At some point in time every Christian has experienced spiritual warfare.  However, spiritual warfare is often not identified as such.  It is usually labeled as a bad day, week, or season of life.  A Christian may say they are in the valley when they are going through hard times in life, which is true, but our valleys are often accompanied with a spiritual force that is throwing fire darts at us.  Being unaware of the battle when you are standing in the center of it can put you in a vulnerable position.  If you were facing a physical battle you wouldn’t neglect to “suit up” for battle.  You would want to make sure your body is covered and. you are armed with the weapons necessary to defend yourself.  The weapons you will. need are not physical bur spiritual.  You will need the armor of God.  In Ephesians 6:10-18 the Bible tells us about each piece of the armor and it purpose for defending ourselves in a battle.  Ephesians 6:11 says, “put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  A warrior in a battle has a piece of armor to protect each part of the body.  The spiritual armor is no different so when preparing for your battle against the attacks of the devil remember each piece of armor.

     Once you have recognized you are dealing with spiritual warfare the whole game changes.  You now have an awareness of your enemy and know to be on the lookout for him.  Next, remember who you are.  You are a child of the King and because of this, through Jesus Christ, you are more powerful than the demons that are fighting against you in the spiritual realm.  Third, utilize the kryptonite you have against the devil by opening the word of God and consistently speaking against the forces that are attacing you.  Find scriptures that apply to your situation and pray and meditate on these scriptures several times a day.  Flood your life with God’s word as much as possible in as many ways as possible.

     When I was struggling with extreme fear and anxiety, I would list to Christian podcasts constantly.  Just having them on helped me even if I wasn’t able to listen to every word.  At night I listened to scriptures while I selpt that was accompanied to peacful music.  During this time when my body was still and my mind was tired, I felt most vulnerable to the devil’s attacks.  It was amazing how much better I selpt when I did this.  These are the things that helped me but you may find other things that help you.

     Maybe you aren’t facing a spiritual battle at the moment.  That’s wonderful but keep the armor of God close to you.  John 16:33 says we will face troubles in this world so we must be ready for when the devil attacks.  Dont’ be caught off guard. Suit up and be ready for him when he attacks.  Keep your sword sharpened and ready to fight back.
