Summer Salad


Enjoy this quick, simple and nutrient-loaded recipe. It’ll definitely get you your produce intake in this meal, although, I do recommend adding 6-8 oz of Steak, Chicken, Fish, etc. or protein shake with 25-35 grams of FastFit protein powder or other quality protein powder that is stevia-sweetened along with this salad to create a nice balanced meal ratio.


1 sliced Cucumber

2 sliced Tomatoes

1 sliced Bell Pepper

1/2 sliced Red Onion (thin)

1 tbsp Olive Oil

1 tbsp Oregano

Add salt (optional)


Cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and bell pepper into small, bite-sized pieces and be sure the red onion is THINLY sliced. 

Lightly drizzle olive oil and sprinkle oregano and season with salt if needed.

Enjoy! 🙂

Nutrition INfo